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Odio et unde deleniti. Deserunt numquam exercitationem. Officiis quo odio sint voluptas consequatur ut a odio voluptatem. Sit dolorum debitis veritatis natus dolores. Quasi ratione sint. Sit quaerat ipsum dolorem.
U120 Urine Analyser
U 500 Urine Analyser
Cobio S50
COBIO S50 is Fully Automated Urine Sediment Analyser. COBIO S50 is Automation of the "Gold Standard" manual microscopy!
- Throughput - 50 sample/hours
- Large (13.3') high-resolution touch-screen for viewing actual images
- Each test is processed in 1 cuvette - no carry-over between samples
- Just 1.5 mins testing time / sample
- High-definition in-built cameras capture "whole view-field" images similar to HPF images of manual microscopy
- Latest "deep learning AI" technology identify, classify, label and count each sediment particle
- Reflectance photometry using LED light sources for high-precision detection.
- High-resolution LCD or touchscreen display for easy result viewing and navigation.
- Integrated thermal printer for quick and easy result printing.
- Intuitive, menu-driven operation with simple keypad or touchscreen controls.